using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; using Mirea.Api.DataAccess.Domain.Schedule; using Mirea.Api.DataAccess.Persistence; using Mirea.Api.Endpoint.Common.Interfaces; using Mirea.Api.Endpoint.Configuration.Model; using Mirea.Api.Endpoint.Sync.Common; using Mirea.Tools.Schedule.WebParser; using Mirea.Tools.Schedule.WebParser.Common.Domain; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Group = Mirea.Api.DataAccess.Domain.Schedule.Group; namespace Mirea.Api.Endpoint.Sync; internal partial class ScheduleSynchronizer(UberDbContext dbContext, IOptionsSnapshot config, ILogger logger, IMaintenanceModeService maintenanceMode) { private readonly DataRepository _campuses = new([.. dbContext.Campuses]); private readonly DataRepository _disciplines = new([.. dbContext.Disciplines]); private readonly DataRepository _faculties = new([.. dbContext.Faculties]); private readonly DataRepository _groups = new([.. dbContext.Groups]); private readonly DataRepository _lectureHalls = new([.. dbContext.LectureHalls]); private readonly DataRepository _lessons = new([]); private readonly DataRepository _lessonAssociation = new([]); private readonly DataRepository _professors = new([.. dbContext.Professors]); private readonly DataRepository _typeOfOccupations = new([.. dbContext.TypeOfOccupations]); private readonly DataRepository _specificWeeks = new([]); // todo: transfer data to storage private static string GetFaculty(char c) => c switch { 'У' => "ИТУ", 'Б' => "ИКБ", 'Х' => "ИТХТ", 'Э' => "ИПТИП", 'Т' => "ИПТИП", 'Р' => "ИРИ", 'К' => "ИИИ", 'И' => "ИИТ", 'П' => "ИИТ", _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(c), c, null) }; private void ParallelSync(GroupResult groupInfo) { var facultyName = GetFaculty(groupInfo.Group[0]); var faculty = _faculties.GetOrCreate( f => f.Name.Equals(facultyName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), () => new Faculty { Name = facultyName }); var groupName = OnlyGroupName().Match(groupInfo.Group.ToUpper()).Value; var group = _groups.GetOrCreate( g => g.Name.Equals(groupName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), () => new Group { Name = groupName, Faculty = faculty }); var typeOfOccupation = _typeOfOccupations.GetOrCreate( t => t.ShortName.Equals(groupInfo.TypeOfOccupation.Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), () => new TypeOfOccupation { ShortName = groupInfo.TypeOfOccupation.ToUpper() }); List? professor = []; if (groupInfo.Professor != null) { foreach (var prof in groupInfo.Professor) { var professorParts = prof.Split(' ').ToList(); string? altName = null; if (professorParts is { Count: >= 2 }) { altName = professorParts.ElementAtOrDefault(0); if (professorParts.ElementAtOrDefault(1) != null) altName += $" {professorParts.ElementAtOrDefault(1)?[0]}."; if (professorParts.ElementAtOrDefault(2) != null) altName += $"{professorParts.ElementAtOrDefault(2)?[0]}."; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(altName)) continue; var profDb = _professors.GetOrCreate(x => (x.AltName == null || x.AltName.Equals(prof, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) && x.Name.Equals(altName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), () => new Professor { AltName = prof, Name = altName }); professor.Add(profDb); } } else professor = null; List? hall = null; List? campuses; if (groupInfo.Campuses != null && groupInfo.Campuses.Length != 0) { hall = []; campuses = []; for (var i = 0; i < groupInfo.Campuses.Length; i++) { var campus = groupInfo.Campuses[i]; campuses.Add(_campuses.GetOrCreate( c => c.CodeName.Equals(campus, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), () => new Campus { CodeName = campus.ToUpper() })); if (groupInfo.LectureHalls == null || groupInfo.LectureHalls.Length <= i) continue; var lectureHall = groupInfo.LectureHalls[i]; hall.Add(_lectureHalls.GetOrCreate(l => l.Name.Equals(lectureHall, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && string.Equals(l.Campus?.CodeName, campuses[^1].CodeName, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase), () => new LectureHall { Name = lectureHall, Campus = campuses[^1] })); } } var discipline = _disciplines.GetOrCreate( d => d.Name.Equals(groupInfo.Discipline, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), () => new Discipline { Name = groupInfo.Discipline }); Lesson lesson = _lessons.GetOrCreate(l => l.IsEven == groupInfo.IsEven && l.DayOfWeek == groupInfo.Day && l.PairNumber == groupInfo.Pair && l.Discipline?.Name == discipline.Name && l.Group?.Name == group.Name, () => { var lesson = new Lesson { IsEven = groupInfo.IsEven, DayOfWeek = groupInfo.Day, PairNumber = groupInfo.Pair, Discipline = discipline, Group = group, IsExcludedWeeks = groupInfo.IsExclude }; if (groupInfo.SpecialWeek == null) return lesson; foreach (var week in groupInfo.SpecialWeek) _specificWeeks.Create(() => new SpecificWeek { Lesson = lesson, WeekNumber = week }); return lesson; }); var maxValue = int.Max(int.Max(professor?.Count ?? -1, hall?.Count ?? -1), 1); for (var i = 0; i < maxValue; i++) { var prof = professor?.ElementAtOrDefault(i); var lectureHall = hall?.ElementAtOrDefault(i); _lessonAssociation.Create(() => new LessonAssociation { Professor = prof, Lesson = lesson, LectureHall = lectureHall, TypeOfOccupation = typeOfOccupation }); } } private async Task SaveChanges(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { foreach (var group in _groups.GetAll()) { var existingGroup = await dbContext.Groups.FirstOrDefaultAsync(g => g.Id == group.Id, cancellationToken); if (existingGroup != null) dbContext.Remove(existingGroup); } await dbContext.Disciplines.BulkSynchronizeAsync(_disciplines.GetAll(), bulkOperation => bulkOperation.BatchSize = 1000, cancellationToken); await dbContext.Professors.BulkSynchronizeAsync(_professors.GetAll(), bulkOperation => bulkOperation.BatchSize = 1000, cancellationToken); await dbContext.TypeOfOccupations.BulkSynchronizeAsync(_typeOfOccupations.GetAll(), bulkOperation => bulkOperation.BatchSize = 100, cancellationToken); await dbContext.Faculties.BulkSynchronizeAsync(_faculties.GetAll(), bulkOperation => bulkOperation.BatchSize = 100, cancellationToken); await dbContext.Campuses.BulkSynchronizeAsync(_campuses.GetAll(), bulkOperation => bulkOperation.BatchSize = 10, cancellationToken); await dbContext.LectureHalls.BulkSynchronizeAsync(_lectureHalls.GetAll(), bulkOperation => bulkOperation.BatchSize = 1000, cancellationToken); await dbContext.Groups.BulkSynchronizeAsync(_groups.GetAll(), bulkOperation => bulkOperation.BatchSize = 100, cancellationToken); await dbContext.Lessons.BulkSynchronizeAsync(_lessons.GetAll(), bulkOperation => bulkOperation.BatchSize = 1000, cancellationToken); await dbContext.SpecificWeeks.BulkSynchronizeAsync(_specificWeeks.GetAll(), bulkOperation => bulkOperation.BatchSize = 1000, cancellationToken); await dbContext.LessonAssociations.BulkSynchronizeAsync(_lessonAssociation.GetAll(), bulkOperation => bulkOperation.BatchSize = 1000, cancellationToken); } public async Task StartSync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var pairPeriods = config.Value.ScheduleSettings?.PairPeriod; var startTerm = config.Value.ScheduleSettings?.StartTerm; if (pairPeriods == null || startTerm == null) { logger.LogWarning("It is not possible to synchronize the schedule due to the fact that the {Arg1} or {Arg2} variable is not initialized.", nameof(pairPeriods), nameof(startTerm)); return; } Stopwatch watch = new(); watch.Start(); var parser = new Parser { Pairs = pairPeriods .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => (x.Value.Start, x.Value.End)), TermStart = startTerm.Value.ToDateTime(new TimeOnly(0, 0, 0)) }; try { logger.LogDebug("Start parsing schedule"); var data = await parser.ParseAsync(cancellationToken); watch.Stop(); var parsingTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; watch.Restart(); ParallelOptions options = new() { CancellationToken = cancellationToken, MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount }; logger.LogDebug("Start mapping parsed data"); Parallel.ForEach(data, options, ParallelSync); watch.Stop(); var mappingTime = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; watch.Restart(); maintenanceMode.EnableMaintenanceMode(); logger.LogDebug("Start saving changing"); await SaveChanges(cancellationToken); maintenanceMode.DisableMaintenanceMode(); watch.Stop(); logger.LogInformation("Parsing time: {ParsingTime}ms Mapping time: {MappingTime}ms Saving time: {SavingTime}ms Total time: {TotalTime}ms", parsingTime, mappingTime, watch.ElapsedMilliseconds, parsingTime + mappingTime + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex, "An error occurred during synchronization."); maintenanceMode.DisableMaintenanceMode(); throw; } } [GeneratedRegex(@"\w{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}(?=\s?\d?\s?[Пп]/?[Гг]\s?\d?)?")] private static partial Regex OnlyGroupName(); }